Flutter Packages | Things to know before using any Flutter Package.

Flutter Packages | Things to know before using any Flutter Package.

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1. Available Platforms

  1. mobile
    1. Android
    2. IOS
  2. web
  3. Desktop
    1. Windows
    2. macOS
    3. Linux

Because flutter is a cross-platform tool, the package we use must support all the platforms we target to build the project.

2. Verified Publisher

They got verified by pub.dev.

3. Null Safety

Supports null safety language feature.
Null safety :-> In null Safety all variables are by default non-nullable

var name = "abhi";

// code below will throw an error
int a = null;

To indicate that a variable might have the value null, just add ? to its type declaration:

var? name = null;

The reason flutter uses the dart null safety feature is, for example, every app needs background color. So by default flutter provide default values for all widgets like floatingActionButton with the background color will be blue.

4. Published Date

As flutter SDK evolving regularly with news features and bug fixes Publisher needs to support the latest features of flutter SDK. Choosing the regularly updating package keeps you away from cyber-attacks🎭 and application crashes.

Screenshot (25).png Consider like, pub points, popularity is very important. Because these scores were given based on regular update and maintenance, platform support

Screenshot (27.png The aim of the Flutter Favorite program is to identify packages and plugins that you should first consider when building your app. This is not a guarantee of quality or suitability to your particular situation—you should always perform your own evaluation of packages and plugins for your project. Learn more about flutter favorite here.

A verified contributor and flutter favorite tags make the package more trustworthy.

Absorb these tags

  • [UNIDENTIFIED]: because the package got less score.
  • DISCONTINUED: The package was discontinued.
  • UNLISTED: The package is unlisted, this means that while the package is still publicly available the author has decided that it should not appear in search results with default search filters. This is typically done because this package is meant to support another package, rather than being consumed directly.

Well maintained documentation

Well-maintained documentation with usage examples of the package will be great. The package makes our work faster and easier. Bad documentation of the package makes using the package much harder and we have to go through the source code to understand before using it. So good documentation with explanations of every function and widget would be great.

Are you a web developer?

Flutter packages are similar to the npm package. It would be easier for you to tackle flutter packages.

Do consider all the above things before using the package. Because your project depends on other's (publisher) code. So it's great to use a well-maintained and good package.